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New book: The Pull of the Stars

Posted over 3 years ago by Kim Curry

The Pull of the Stars is a fictionalized account of a maternity ward in Dublin, Ireland during the Influenza pandemic of 1918.  The protagonist, Julia Powers, is an Irish nurse who specializes in obstetric care.  Author Emma Donoghue started the book in 2018 in acknowledgment of the centennial of the pandemic.  She completed it in March 2020, just in time for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide pandemic, an amazing coincidence.  

The book doesn't soft-pedal the grim circumstances and outcomes for women, their babies, and influenza victims during the era.  Despite this, it somehow conveys a message of hope.  It's beautifully written and would be of interest to anyone interested in nursing history.  The book does contain one character who truly existed: Dr. Kathleen Lynn, a physician who was also an activist during the Irish Rising of 1916.  It is impressive to see her woven into the book.  

Donoghue is also the author of "Room", which was made into an award-winning movie in 2015.